Friday 8 February 2013

Day Four: Curb that Sweet Tooth

Today I thought I would post this article:

It is about how music can help control your speed when you run. Also, keeping your mind active will make exercise a lot more endurable if it isn't your thing!

So today I ran about a mile (no treadmills so I am not sure how much I actually did today).
But I had greek yogurt with granola and some black berry jam in it for breakfast
Chicken and potato left overs (lunch)
And a quinoa burger and salad for dinner!

The Quinoa Burgers are SUPER yummy,
here is my roommates and my recipe. (it is super specific as you will see):

1 can black beans
1 - 2 cans of kidney beans
1 cup (dry) of quinoa
1/2-1cup of panko bread crumbs
1-2 eggs
1/2 cup Low fat cheese (shredded)

1) Cook quinoa until tender. in about 2-2 1/2 cups of water.
2) Mash all the beans together, stir in panko crumbs and cheese.
3) add cooked quinoa, one egg at a time (you might need two if it is too crumbly), and then add the shredded cheese.
4) season to taste
5) On a nonstick griddle spoon the mixture on the pan (medium to high heat) and flatten and shape into patties. Cook about 2-4 minutes on each side. Be careful about the patties crumbling. FLIP CAREFULLY!

Serve on whole wheat bread or buns with avocado, cheese, spinach, siracha, ketchup etc. They are super yummy.

Below are just more pictures, my salad and my delicious natural low sodium peanut butter. High in protein!

SO my tips to how to curb your sweet tooth-- as I searched my fridge for something yummy to eat:

1) Keep fruit around the house, berries, apples, oranges etc. That way you have something healthy and sweet.
2) If fresh fruit doesn't quite have the same ring to is as ice cream, then try fruit pops-- the natural kind not the artificial flavor kind. 
3) if fruit bars stilllll aren't sounding like the perfect treat on a summers day, try sorbet. It is dairy free, creamy like ice cream, and is normally good for you!
4) And if none of those work out for you, my friend Morgan says sweet tarts are the dessert of the future.
5)AND Finally if you feeling particularly indulgent, then a glass of red wine, with some strawberries and dark chocolate will be an antioxidant DREAM.

Soooo tomorrow will be different from the food and fitness aspect of heart health! So check in with me tomorrow!

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