Tuesday 12 February 2013

Day 8: Realistic Goals

So I was watching the first episode of Hey Frase! Which stars a member of my favorite radio show back at home, the Kane Show! In this episode full of girly humor, Sarah Fraser talks about her struggle with weight and how she has struggled with body image. Being a person who has also struggled with body image (if not to the same extent has she has), I understand where she is coming from. But something that struck me is the advice given by all the women on the program: Be happy with yourself. 

This is something I was talking about with my roommate the other day. I always struggled with weight loss and diets because they are short term drastic unrealistic goals that only end up hurting your psyche and not helping in the long run. After a while, I found who I was and accepted my body type and am happy with myself. Unfortunately, this also does not bode well for losing weight, because I was happy with who I was, I was indifferent (since I am a healthy weight if not a few lbs over) because I was not at a weight that would directly effect my health. Great, so now I have thrown all hope of losing weight for the sake of losing weight out the window.

The purpose of this blog is to show people that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a more realistic way of making yourself a better, happy, healthier, (slimmer) person.

One thing I cannot be indifferent about is the health of my heart. My heart (while does very much depend on the weight of a person), is not something I could overlook because it is also influenced by genetics and other manageable variables in my life. I decided to write this blog to track small daily and weekly (and overall monthly) goals that will help lead me to a healthier lifestyle and keep my heart pumping a bit happier.

Once you are good to your heart, you can be good to your body.
It is difficult for me to explain, but if you make small daily goals to achieve for your heart health you will see the pounds fall off of you with out thinking that you are even trying. Watching a scale will only make you feel defeated. Instead, trust your body, skin, clothes and how you emotionally feel about yourself. Once you do that, I promise you will notice a difference in at least your mental and physical health.

Okay so as the title suggests today is a day for Realistic goals. The whole point of 30 day challenges is that they are easier to maintain then a "new year's resolution." Also, it takes 30 days to form a habit, so after those 30 days you may not want to stop performing those tasks.

Make short term goals that are a lot easier to accomplish.

Mine are
0.5miles of running added every week.
eat at least 1 salad every day.
do 1 thing every day that is good for my heart (and blog about it)

I weighed myself the other day after working out. But I will not weigh myself again until I complete this month's challenge.

Have a good day!

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