Saturday 9 February 2013

Day 5: Reduce stress

In addition to eating well and exercising a very important way to live heart healthy is reduce the amount of stress in your life. (In some ways exercising can do that for you!) Stress Tips!

  • When dealing with work stress, being positive is the best way to move forward. You are never going to accomplish anything to the caliber you want if you approach the work negatively. 
  • Breath/Think before you say something in an argument you may regret
  • Take up a hobby you can revert to when things get stressful. 
  • Don't procrastinate (too much). Get the work done you need to before it piles up on you!
  • Listen to music while doing something potentially stressful. 
Those are just a few ways to make your day less stressful. 

Today I am going to be studying for my Physics exam. On a Saturday. Because if I wait till next week, I will be beyond stressed about it. I am getting most of the work out of the way so I won't worry about it the night before my exam. 

Stay stress free today!


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